A Google a day

Google which is always known for doing out of box things have come up with interesting website


Here they present one phrase for which you have to find answer.

For example

The question which i found was

My name is Robert. One day before my brother Rohan’s 19th birthday, our father had an album on the Billboard 200. Name the album.

Okay so we have to find the name of album , before i started searching i thought about it for a while and entered following queries

Robert and Rohan brothers

Then i found that name of there father is Bob Marley and that’s it the task was cake walk after that. Just searching Rohan’s birthday and the name of album on Billboard website near to that date.

Before you say anything , yes the same steps were suggested by Google also but i did before seeing the official answer.

Okay , so what’s the point in running such a website.

I feel Google is trying to note human search query patterns for real life problems . Its kind of psychological study of humans while using search engines. They must be noting all the queries which we enter for particular problem statement and try to read human brains.

What can Google do with this ? They can come up with machine which thinks like humans , Remember IBM’s computer Watson which won competition few days back while answering similar questions. Humans start thinking with nouns and then relate information required with those nouns to find answer for their query. I guess we can build up something beautiful on top of this.

You can read more about it at Google official blog AGoogleAday

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