Packer vs Vagrant

Difference between Packer and Vagrant.

 Packer uses provisioners to set up a base image, while Vagrant uses provisioners to set up a dev environment on top of such an base image. For example, in a company, there are two different dev teams working on two different applications, and they are required to make their apps running in the same technology stack (let's say, Java7 + Tomcat7 + CentOS6). In this case, the company may ship a base image containing Java7+Tomcat7+CentOS6 using Packer, and the two dev teams can do some further customization using Vagrant provisioning capability for each dev environment.

Very simple and to the point
Answer by from

More detailed answer from maker of Packer and Vagrant.!msg/packer-tool/4lB4OqhILF8/NPoMYeew0sEJ

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